Celebrate St Francis of Assisi Feast Day October 4th

How St. Francis Inspired My Faith Journey

I always find it hard to describe my personal faith because there is so much to it. I was raised Roman Catholic, studied and learned from all the great religions, became a Third Order Franciscan in 1983 in the Eastern Byzantine Rite, and lived in an Eastern Rite Franciscan monastery studying to be a monk for almost three years. More recently, I have embraced a spiritual lifestyle practice called Mussar based in Judaism, and currently, I might say I am still Catholic but with some of the Jewish faith interwoven. At my core, I am a human spirit trying to be a better version of myself, bringing love and goodness to our troubled world. The rest – well, is truly a mystery.

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Celebrating John Coltrane: A Musical and Spiritual Journey

By Donnie Yance

John Coltrane (1926-1967) was not just a jazz saxophonist; he was a musical pioneer, a spiritual seeker, and an inspiration to countless musicians and listeners. As someone who has immersed myself in his entire discography and studied numerous books about his life, I feel compelled to share the profound impact Coltrane has had on me both musically and spiritually.

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Do Sunscreens Truly Prevent Skin Cancer?

Several years ago, I did a 2-part blog on the dangers of sunscreens. They have some good information, and the links are below.

The Dangers of Commercial Sunscreens, Part 1 https://www.donnieyance.com/the-dangers-of-commercial-sunscreens/

The Dangers of Commercial Sunscreens, Part 2 https://www.donnieyance.com/the-dangers-of-commercial-sunscreens-part-2/

Skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the US. Despite decades of widespread use of sunscreen and sunblock, the rates of the three main types of skin cancer—basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma—are on the rise.[1]This concerning trend raises questions about the effectiveness of current sun protection methods and the factors contributing to skin cancer.

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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Medicine, Mood and Neuropsychiatry

The botanical Withania somnifera is widely known as “Ashwagandha,” a Sanskrit name deriving from its use in traditional medicine in India. Withania somnifera (WS) enjoys a formidable reputation in Ayurvedic medicine as a Rasayana herb, i.e., one that can rejuvenate the body and promote the health of all tissues. Since ancient times, it has traditionally been used to strengthen the nervous system. [1] It is classified as a tonic-adaptogen and is often called the “Indian Ginseng,” although not botanically related. The paradoxical meaning of the names of ashwagandha gives away its’ adaptogenic qualities. The common name, “ashwagandha,” means “strong as a horse,” while the botanical name, “somnifera,” means restful sleep.[2]

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Study Reveals Benefits of Holistic Care for Breast Cancer Patients

Sadly, breast cancer is widespread, impacting many people directly or indirectly. It’s the most common cancer among women, comprising 31% of all cancer cases in women. Despite advances in treatment, it still ranks as the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. So, the chances are high that you know someone affected by breast cancer, whether they’re currently battling it, in remission, or have passed away due to it.[1]

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Caution: Recent Study Claims Vitamin D Supplementation Could Raise Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Here is my counter-review of the recent headline news article that might make you wary of taking vitamins, titled “Vitamin D Supplements May Be a Double-Edged Sword.” This article was written by F. Perry Wilson, MD, MSCE, and published on March 14, 2024, in MDedge Family Medicine (https://www.mdedge.com/familymedicine/article/268256/womens-health/vitamin-d-supplements-may-be-double-edged-sword?ecd=WNL_EVE_240316_mdedge).

This was a summary review of a peer-reviewed paper titled “Long-Term Effect of Randomization to Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Health in Older Women: Postintervention Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial,” published in the Annals of Internal Medicine Journal.[1]

The conclusion of this study reads, “Calcium and vitamin D supplements seemed to reduce cancer mortality and increase cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality after more than 20 years of follow-up among postmenopausal women, with no effect on all-cause mortality.” NOTE that the lead word is calcium, not Vitamin D, which Dr. Wilson chose to emphasize.

Dr. Wilson concluded from the study, “I can tell you that for your “average woman,” vitamin D supplementation likely has no effect on mortality. It might modestly reduce the risk for certain cancers while increasing the risk for heart disease (probably through coronary calcification). So, there might be some room for personalization here. Perhaps women with a strong family history of cancer or other risk factors would do better with supplements, and those with a high risk for heart disease would do worse.”

Problems with this Study and Calcium Supplementation

What Dr. Wilson’s article omits is that this isn’t a vitamin D study at all; it’s a calcium study where patients took 1000 mg of calcium carbonate (a poor form of calcium) along with only 400 IUs of vitamin D. This misrepresentation and bias against supplements are frustrating and repetitive.

Calcium carbonate supplementation, especially at 1000 mg daily, isn’t good for heart health or any health condition. It can increase the risk of vascular calcifications.

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